"Oh, Edge!" I can hear him moaning through the wall. "Oh Edge, baby, yes! Oh god, you feel so good inside me! Yes!"

 I keep my eyes tightly closed, pulling a pillow over my head to try and muffle the sounds. Edge made sure my room was right next to theirs; he's doing this just to spite me. To show me how happy he makes Christian; how happy he makes MY Christian. I hate him for it...I hate him more than anyone I've ever hated.

 "Oh yes! Edge! Oh Edge!"

 I can't stand this. There's nothing worse than hearing the man you love in the throes of passion with another man. Nothing. I feel tears burning in my eyes. Hot tears that seem to scald my eyelids, demanding to be let out. I force them back, refusing to cry over him. Refusing to cry over him again.

 "Edge! Oh baby, right there! Oh, yes, yes, yes!"

 I feel so much pain right now. Hurt. Betrayal. All the things I don't want to feel. So I drown them all in anger. My eyes narrow, the tears pushed back. How dare they do this to me? To Kurt Angle? What have I ever done to deserve this? Nothing!

 Throwing off the pillow, I stand up, pull on my jeans, and march out of my room, over to the next door down. I bang loudly on it, a deadly scowl fixed across my face. It's silent for a moment, then a voice calls out lightly.

 "Come in!"

 My eyes narrowed into slits, my blood boiling with anger, I charge into the room. I stop, seeing my beautiful angel nowhere. On the bed lies Edge, sprawled out on the sheets completely naked. He's smirking at me.

 "He's in the bathroom," he says, seeming to read my mind. "He doesn't want to see you."

 I feel myself bristle. "You two had better shut the hell up," I growl, "I'm trying to fucking sleep!"

 He raises his eyebrows, his eyes mocking. "Such language, and from an Olympic Hero! I'm shocked Kurt; really I am."

 "I mean it!" I yell. "I don't need to hear you two rutting like rabbits all night!"

 "Well I'm so sorry," he sneers, his eyes taunting, "but I'm afraid it'll be continuing for quite a while. Christian has quite an appetite to satisfy. Probably a result of all those unfulfilling, passion-less nights spent with you."

 I'll kill him. I swear, if he says one more thing like that, I will kill him! I take a step towards him, but he shakes his finger at me.

 "I think you ought to leave now, Kurt," he tells me. "You wouldn't want to do anything you'll regret, now would you?"

 I take a deep breath. I can't do anything to him. If I hurt him, I'll probably lose my job. Vince won't tolerate fighting among the roster. Taking a very, very deep breath, I slowly turn, walking stiffly into the hall. I enter me room again, and almost immediately, the sounds from next door start again.

 I can't take this! I just can't take it!

 Grabbing a shirt and quickly pulling it on, I slip out into the hall, wandering around and searching for somewhere, anywhere else to sleep.


Part 3

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