Holy Spider!
Rating: PG13
Content: m/m slash, humor
Characters: CM Punk, Elijah Burke
Summery: Punk fails to be sympathetic to his lover’s terrible ordeal
Note: Inspired by Elijah’s blog where he noted that he almost got bit by a spider
Written 8/10/09

“Holy fuck! Fuck! Oh god!”

Punk, currently settled on the couch in the living room, raised an eyebrow at hearing such noises. While he did induce such sounds from his lover on a regular basis, he wasn’t used to hearing them when he wasn’t in direct physical contact with Elijah. “Baby?” he called, tossing his magazine onto the coffee table and following the trail of cursing. He found his lover out by the pool, standing dripping on the tile in his bathing suit, a wooden bat in his hands and a frantic look in his eyes.

“Uh. Baby?” Punk leaned on the doorframe, eyeing his lover curiously.

Elijah’s head jerked up to look at him, but his eyes quickly returned to searching the floor. “There was a spider! A big fucking spider!”

“So you decided to crack it with a baseball bat?” Punk rolled his eyes, striding over to removing the implement from Elijah’s grasp. “I thought you weren’t afraid of spiders.”

“I’m not!” Elijah huffed, still searching the floor suspiciously with his eyes. “But this was a big fucking spider!”

“Uh huh,” Punk replied, humoring his lover as he placed the baseball bat back by the door, where it had been left a few days earlier when some backyard bunting practice had led to an amorous session in the pool.

“It almost bit me!” Elijah exclaimed. “I got out of the pool and reached for my towel, and I was just about to lay my hand right on the little fucker! Ugh!” He shuddered, rubbing his hands up and down his arms, as if to check that no creepy crawlies were on his skin. “And it was huge! Just huge. It was this big!” He stretched his thumb and forefinger as far apart as they would go.

Punk tried to control his doubtful smirk. “Really. I didn’t know we had 4 inch spiders in Florida.”

Elijah glared at him. “That’s including the legs! I’m telling you, it was huge! And I don’t know where it went.” His glare turned to the floor, as if it were guilty for facilitating the offending arachnid’s escape.

“Ok, well, we’ll keep an eye out for it.” Punk sauntered over to his lover, wrapping his arms around Elijah’s waist. “Anything I can kiss to make it better?”

Elijah still looked a bit wild eyed, but that did get a smile from him. “I don’t know,” he murmured, his arms sliding around Punk’s waist. “Might be.”

Punk grinned, closing his eyes in expectation of a kiss as Elijah leaned in closer. It was a great shock to him when he was hoisted up by Elijah’s grip on his waist, and tossed right into the pool. He came up sputtering, his boxers now soaked and his white tank clinging to his body. “Bitch!” he exclaimed, having no better comeback.

It was Elijah’s turn to smirk, his strong arms crossing over his chest. “That’s what you get for laughing at me! I could’ve been poisoned by that thing!”

Punk was glaring at him unsympathetically as he hefted himself out of the pool. “Oh, I’m gonna get you,” he growled threateningly, rising to his full height and doing his best to look menacing.

Their gaze met for a moment, Elijah smirking, Punk glaring. Then, Elijah took off around the opposite end of the pool, hurtling out the door into the backyard. Punk charged after him, resolute that there was no way for Elijah to escape being tackled onto the grass and thoroughly ravished for his deed.


Punk & Elijah Fic
Punk/Lij Moments

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