A Post Coital Request
Rating: PG13
Content: m/m slash, humor
Characters: CM Punk, Elijah Burke
Summery: see title
Written 11/6/08


“Mmm?” Elijah was lying in bed, Punk happily ensconced in his arms. They had gone to bed early, but had yet to get any sleep. They had started out making love just once, but had been particularly inspired tonight, and had been making love on and off for quite some time.

Punk rose up on one elbow, placing a kiss on each of Elijah’s closed eyelids. “Can you do something for me?”

“I think I’ve done it all tonight.” Elijah chuckled, his fingers playing with the locks of Punk’s hair which were brushing against his chest.

“Not that.” Punk sighed happily. “I think I’m finally worn out. It’s just - well, I was never serious enough with a guy before to ask this.”

Elijah opened his eyes, curious. “What’s that?”

Punk grinned sheepishly. “Can you make me a sandwich?”

Elijah’s brow furrowed, his mouth opening and closing in disbelief. “A sandwich?”

Punk shrugged. “Well after all that, I’m hungry. Something with lots of meat in it would be good.”

“A sandwich.” Elijah sat up, shaking his head.

“I always thought it was just a bad stereotype, guys wanting sandwiches after sex,” Punk explained, “but, damn if I don’t want one. Please?”

Elijah was chuckling as he got out of bed, pulling on a robe. “Only because I love you so much.”

“Thank you!” Punk called after him.

Elijah headed down to the kitchen, pulling out a plate. “A sandwich,” he chuckled, shaking his head as he set about satisfying his baby’s request.


Punk & Elijah Fic
Punk/Lij Moments

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