Kurt seated himself comfortably in the plush chair in his locker room. He adjusted the curtain between his chair and another just like it, pulling a long curtain around both chairs. "You may come, my child," he called the the person who had just knocked at his door.

 The person entered the room, closing the door behind herself and entering the make-shift confessional. "Forgive me father, for I have sinned," she murmured.

 "Go on my child," Kurt told her, recognising the very familiar voice of Trish Stratus. He saw the attractive blonde woman twice a week, if not more.

 "I did something last night that I guess I should repent for," Trish told him. "It all started when I walked into Stephanie's dressing room. She said she wanted to see me, and I figured she just wanted to fuck."

 Kurt made a noise in his throat. "Please, my child," he objected.

 "Oh. Sorry father. I thought she wanted to make beautiful, passionate love to me," Trish corrected, a hint of mocking in her voice. Kurt ignored it, allowing her to continue. "So anyway, I get to her locker room, and she tells me to meet her back at the hotel at midnight. She gave me some room number there. Now why she couldn't just have told me that in the first place instead of having me come to her locker room, I don't know."

 "Go on." Kurt was getting rather impatient. Trish had a tendency to ramble throughout her confessions, and it could get rather annoying.

 "Ok, so I show up the room at midnight, of course, 'cos I'm wondering what the heck is going on," Trish continued. "I knocked on the door, and Steph called out for me to close my eyes. I did it, figuring she had some special outfit on or something. She dresses up a lot for me, which you knew of course." Kurt certainly did know. Trish mentioned Stephanie's dress up antics in nearly every one of her confessions. "So I closed my eyes, and Steph opens the door and pulls me into the room. I heard some giggling in the background, so I thought she'd asked Molly to join us again. Of course that totally made me happy, since Molly has such a fine body! God, that pretty blonde hair, those beautiful eyes, the perfect skin, those perky supple breasts - "

 Kurt cleared his throat, reminding her that she was rambling again.

 "Oh, sorry." Trish took a breath, than continued. "I opened my eyes, and guess what I saw! There were like half a dozen other girls there! Jackie, Ivory, Debra, Tori, Chyna, Molly, Terri, and of course Steph! God, it was fabulous! Ooh, and get this! They are all naked! Naked as the day they were born! God, my jaw almost hit the floor!"

 Kurt sat up in his chair, sensing that they were about to get to the interesting part. "Go on," he encouraged with interest.

 "Gladly." Trish beamed, glad she had her audiance enthralled. "Steph sauntered up to me, naked of course, and I just couldn't take my eyes off her body! God she's so beautiful! And she says to me, "Don't you want to get out those clothes?". Of course I was like "Hell yeah!", and all the other girl surrounded me and pulled me onto the bed and stripped me! It was the most fantastic experience of my life! Their hands were running all over my body, touching like every single part of me! It was incredible! For the rest of the night we had this gigantic orgy, just sex sex sex for hours on end! Half the time I didn't even know who's pussy my face was buried in! I finally passed out around 4 am, I think, and when I woke up at like 10 I was surrounded by all these beautiful sleeping goddesses! Well that got me feeling horny right away again, so I found the nearest tit and started sucking on it, and we all got into it again! Oh god you can't imagine how incredible intense it all was!"

 Kurt was left speechless, his mouth practically hanging open. He swallowed, blinking to regain his senses. Glancing down at his pants, he found that Trish's story had had quite an effect on him. "That sounds like quite a night," he choked out.

 "It was father, it was!" Trish exclaimed, beaming happily.

 "Um..." Kurt blinked. "Did you have a sin to confess, my child?"

 "Uh yeah, lust I guess," Trish said with a shrug. "Want me to do more of those prayer things that you gave me last time?"

 "Yeah, you do that." Kurt took another deep breath, having little success getting control over his body. "You run along now, my child. But come back any time!"

 "I will father, I will." Trish climbed out of the confessional and happily skipped off.

 Kurt slipped out a moment later, walking as fast as he could in his awkward condition and heading to a place he knew he could get it taken care of.

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