Cheerin' E&C
 (to the tune of ‘Surfin' U.S.A.' by the Beach Boys)

 If everybody watched wrestling
Across the whole world
Then everybody'd be cheerin'
Just like you and me
You see 'em wearing their titles
Using cool words too
A babolicious blonde hairdo
Cheerin' E&C

 You watch 'em wrestlin' at SmackDown
On Raw and on Heat
In England's special shows
All over the venue
And down the entrance ramp

 Everybody's been cheerin'
Cheerin' E&C

 We'll all be screaming when they come out
They're gonna be on soon
We're writing up our big signs
We can't wait for them
We'll all be thrilled just to glimpse them
We're E&C fans to stay
Tell the bookers we're cheerin'
Cheerin' E&C

 Beautiful and awesome
Golden beauties
Cute couple in true love
They embrace each day
All over each other
After every match.

 Everybody's been cheerin'
Cheerin' E&C

 Everybody's been cheerin'
Cheerin' E&C

 Everybody's been cheerin'
Cheerin' E&C

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