Shane "Help! Hide me!"

Booker "What's up sucka?"

S "He's after me!"

B "Who?"

S "Big Show! He's drunk and trying to catch me so he can kiss me at midnight!"

B "Why don'tcha just kiss him then?"

S "Cos I don't wanna kiss him! I wanna kiss you!"

B"Well, a'ight then! Get your sexy little ass over here babe!"

Big Show (Paul) "Shane!"

S "Aaaahhh!"

B "Hey, back off man!"

P "Not until you give me my twink back!"

B "He's my twink now, sucka!"

P "Oh yeah? Well why don't you ask your twink what his lips were wrapped around 15 minutes ago!"

S "Eep!"

B "What?!?"

S "Well, erm, uh, you know I've had a lot of alcohol tonight..."

B "What kinda sucka you think I am? Screw this! I'll find some other twink to kiss! You can have him Show."

S "Book! Bookie baby wait! Wait! If you still kiss me at midnight, then I'm yours all night, baby, every part of me!"

B "No way sucka! I got a horde of twinks drooling over me, I don't need Show's leftovers! He's yours big man."

P "I don't want him either!"

S "Uh! Why?"

P "You just promised yourself to him if he kissed you! I resent being a second choice!"

S "But it's only 30 seconds to midnight!"

B "You didn't say that! Tell me you didn't just say that!"

P "It's true; 25 seconds now."

B "That ain't enough time to find another twink!"

...a pause...

P "Say, Book, um...if you want, maybe we could, you know, kiss?"

B ", why not? Let's!"

S "Heeeeeyyyyy! One of you kiss me!"

P "5 seconds!"







...sound of kissing...

S "Hey!"

...continued sound of kissing...

S "HEY!"

...continued sound of kissing...

B "Wow..."

P "Yeah. That was pretty...well, what you said."

B "Hey, Show, whaddaya say tonight, I play the twink?"

P "Sounds good to me! Have I mentioned I absolutely love your long legs?"

B "Heh, ya really like 'em?"

P "Hell yeah! Come on, there are bedrooms upstairs."

S "NO! Hey! Get back here! THIS IS MY HOUSE!!"

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