Alex Shelley Fic
Angels in the Storm series
Rating: PG13 to NC17
Content: m/m slash, talk of cheating, some language, lots of sex and
Characters: Various
The tumultuous story of relationships beginning, ending, and
Note: A cross-promotional series featuring both WWE and TNA characters
Fics involving Alex: 3
Pirate Monkeys
Rating: PG13
Content: m/m slash and mention of adult films
Characters: Shannon Moore, Alex Shelley
Summery: Shannon. Alex’s stuff. Boredom.
Note: My ditzy Shannon muse decided he wanted a piece of Alex, and here
it is! This is a goofy little piece, enjoy!
Note II: Can you imagine Shannon and Alex as a couple? Talk about high
energy twinkiness! *bg*
Written 3/21/08
of fics: 4
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