Test Fic
Another Bad Day
Rating: NC17
Content: m/m slash, non-consensual sex
Characters: Matt and Jeff Hardy, Gangrel (Dave), Edge, Christian, Test,
Chris Jericho, Hunter, Bradshaw
Summery: Virgins deflowers and a huge helping is mischief afoot
Note: A long and involved story, one of my very best in my opinion
Coming Home on Christmas
Rating: PG13
Content: m/m slash
Charcters: Adam, Jay, Jericho, Drew
Summery: A little clip from the home of some foxy Canadian blondes
on Christmas Eve
For Those About To...
Rating: R
Content: m/m slash, language
Characters: Test, Lance Storm, Christian, Edge, Eddie Guerrero
Summery: A night of cheating, loving, and drama for Christian and some
of his friends
Happy Birthday to Jay
Rating: NC17
Content: slash, more slash, and yet more slash
Characters: Adam, Jay, Mark, Scott, Al Snow, Drew, Dave
Summery: Adam gives Jay an incredible birthday present
Note: I know there are a lot of duplicate names in the WWF, so just
to clarify, Mark = Taker, Scott = Raven, Al = Snow, Drew = Test, and Dave
= Gangrel
Note2: This is pre-haircut Mark
I've Got Plans For You
Rating: PG
Content: implied m/m, sap
Characters: Kurt Angle, Andrew Martin (Test)
Sumery: A lover's present from the heart
Note: I got the title from the Billy Joel song "Time to Remember",
which was going through my head while I wrote this piece.
It's Only Love
Rating: PG13
Content: implied m/m slash
Characters: Test, Booker T, Jeff Hardy
Summery: Has Test found the love of his life?
Note: My first official story of 2002!
Just a Little Whine
Rating: R
Content: talk of m/m slash, humor
Characters: Kurt, Jericho, Jeff, Jason, Drew
Summery: The twinks are fed up with tops
Note: For the record, I totally see Test (Drew) as a twink, and he
is in this
Personal Services
Rating: NC17
Content: m/m oral sex (semi non-con), swearing
Characters: Test, Scott Steiner, Stacy
Summery: Test takes advantage of Scott's "services"
Note: Someone had to write it, right? *g* Following the Test/Steiner/Stacy
plot, through which Test won the "services" of Scott via beating him at
Unforgiven, 9/21/03
Rumor Has It
Rating: PG13
Content: implied m/m slash
Characters: Adam, Jay, Jericho, Lance, Test, Val, Tommy
Summery: Adam can't find his lover, and the rumor's aren't pretty!
Small Packages
Rating: R
Content: implied m/m slash and language
Characters: Test, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Shane McMahon, Christian
Summery: Rey may be small, but, as Test and Randy discover, he's not
Vanilla Shower Slime
Rating: R
Content: implied m/m slash, much humor!
Characters: Christian, Lance Storm, Test, Edge, Sean Waltman
Summery: Christian's gonna get revenge...or just annoy the hell out
of his teammates.
You're My Home
Rating: R
Content: m/m slash
Characters: Edge, Christian, Sean Waltman, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Damn,
Andrew Martin
Summery: Edge has to show Chritian he loves him after a fight
Note: Inspired by the song "You're My Home" by Billy Joel.
# of fics: 12